Create or Revise Personal Templates
All Airstory templates begin as a project. When saved as a template, your project's elements (the content in the body of the document, comments, images and note cards) are stored as a cohesive unit and become accessible to you and your team for repeatable and consistent work.
To create a template from one of your projects:
- Open the project you'd like to make into a template.
- Click the Publish button in the upper right-hand corner of the document view (only project owners will see the Publish button).
- Select Airstory Template.
- Following the prompts, give the template a title, add a description/user instructions and then place the template into a folder (i.e., Uncategorized folder if you don't have a specific folder designated for the template).
To create a template from one of your notes:
- Create a new project.
- From your Note Library --> All Notes, find the note you'd like to turn into a template.
- Drop the note into the new project's document view and click the green checkmark to merge the note with the document.
- Click the Publish button in the upper right-hand corner of the document (only project owners will see the Publish button).
- Select Airstory Template.
- Following the prompts, give the template a title, add a description/user instructions and then place the template into a folder (i.e., Uncategorized folder if you don't have a specific folder designated for the template).
- You can now go back and delete the new project as your newly templatized note will always be available to you in My Templates.
That's it, now you've turned your project into a template to be used and shared time and time again.
To retrieve your newly created/any Airstory template:
- From the purple main navigation bar select Templates, here you can access the template you just created from My Templates (or the ones you've grabbed from the Airstory Market).
- Grab the desired template and either start a new project with the desired template or add the template to an existing project.
- After following the prompts, you'll be taken to the new or existing Airstory wherein you'll find your template and all the associated elements (content, notes, images, and comments).
To edit your templates (currently, overwriting templates is not possible):
- Add the template in question to a new project.
- Make the desired changes to the template.
- Save this new template to Templates.
- Delete the older version of the template or save it as Version 1.0, for example.
We hope you enjoy using Airstory! 👍